相反,WordPress的竞争对手们在排名前100的博客中却逐渐失去光芒。在这100个博客中,7个使用Movable Type,之前是12个。而TypePad从2009年的12个下降到2012年的2个。但WordPress的新竞争者也在不断出现,例如2001年出现的Drupal,2007年出现的Tumblr。
WordPress的创始人Matt Mullenweg对前途充满信心,他预测使用WordPress的人数还会不断攀升。
The last few years we’ve really focused on both the usability and flexibility of WordPress, which has resulted in accelerating growth in both big and small sites. I expect even higher adoption among the largest sites and blogs over the next year.
Rank | Name | URL | CMS |
1 | The Huffington Post | huffingtonpost.com | Movable Type |
2 | Mashable! | mashable.com | WordPress – self-hosted |
3 | BuzzFeed | buzzfeed.com | Custom |
4 | The Daily Beast | thedailybeast.com | N/a |
5 | The Verge | theverge.com | Custom |
6 | TechCrunch | techcrunch.com | WordPress – hosted |
7 | Engadget | engadget.com | Blogsmith |
8 | Gizmodo | gizmodo.com | Custom |
9 | Think Progress | thinkprogress.org | WordPress – self-hosted |
10 | Ars Technica | arstechnica.com | Custom |
11 | The Next Web | thenextweb.com | WordPress – self-hosted |
12 | Boing Boing | boingboing.com | WordPress – self-hosted |
13 | Gawker | gawker.com | Custom |
14 | Hot Air | hotair.com | WordPress – self-hosted |
15 | VentureBeat | venturebeat.com | WordPress – hosted |
16 | Mediaite | mediaite.com | WordPress – self-hosted |
17 | Bits | bits.blogs.nytimes.com | WordPress – self-hosted |
18 | Jezebel | jezebel.com | Gawker |
19 | GigaOM | gigaom.com | WordPress – hosted |
20 | TMZ | tmz.com | Blogsmith |
21 | CNN Political Ticker | politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com | WordPress – hosted |
22 | Business Insider | businessinsider.com | Custom |
23 | Deadline | deadline.com | WordPress – self-hosted |
24 | Kotaku | kotaku.com | Gawker |
25 | SlashGear | slashgear.com | WordPress – self-hosted |
26 | L.A. Now | latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow | TypePad |
27 | ZeroHedge | zerohedge.com | Drupal |
28 | DeadSpin | deadspin.com | Gawker |
29 | SB Nation | sbnation.com | Custom |
30 | Daily Intel | nymag.com/daily/intel | N/a |
31 | Lifehacker | lifehacker.com | Gawker |
32 | Laughing Squid | laughingsquid.com | WordPress – self-hosted |
33 | 9 to 5 Mac | 9to5mac.com | WordPress – hosted |
34 | The Caucus | thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com | WordPress – self-hosted |
35 | Daily Kos | dailykos.com | Scoop |
36 | ReadWriteWeb | readwriteweb.com | Movable Type |
37 | Joystiq | joystiq.com | Blogsmith |
38 | Media Decoder | mediadecoder.blogs.nytimes.com | WordPress – hosted |
39 | County Fair | mediamatters.org/blog | Custom |
40 | The Gothamist | gothamist.com | Movable Type |
41 | Big Government | biggovernment.com | N/a |
42 | The Foundry | blog.heritage.org | WordPress – self-hosted |
43 | This isn’t happiness | thisisnthappiness.com | Tumblr |
44 | MacRumors | macrumors.com | Custom |
45 | RedState | redstate.com | WordPress – self-hosted |
46 | Big Journalism | bigjournalism.com | N/a |
47 | ArtsBeat | artsbeat.blogs.nytimes.com | WordPress – self-hosted |
48 | Neatorama | neatorama.com | WordPress – self-hosted |
49 | Eurogamer | eurogamer.net | Custom |
50 | Ubergizmo | ubergizmo.com | WordPress – self-hosted |
52 | Autoblog | autoblog.com | Blogsmith |
51 | TPMMuckraker | tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com | Movable Type |
53 | BGR | bgr.com | WordPress – self-hosted |
54 | Flavorwire | flavorwire.com | WordPress – self-hosted |
55 | PopWatch | popwatch.ew.com | WordPress – hosted |
56 | Michelle Malkin | michellemalkin.com | WordPress – self-hosted |
57 | City Room | cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com | WordPress – self-hosted |
58 | Wired Science | wired.com/wiredscience | WordPress – self-hosted |
59 | Grist | grist.org | WordPress – hosted |
60 | Search Engine Land | searchengineland.com | WordPress – self-hosted |
61 | Threat Level | wired.com/threatlevel | WordPress – self-hosted |
62 | Gizmag | gizmag.com | Custom |
63 | TreeHugger | treehugger.com | Movable Type |
64 | The Official Google Blog | googleblog.blogspot.com | Blogger |
65 | Hit & Run | reason.com/blog | Diderot |
66 | Jalopnik | jalopnik.com | Gawker |
67 | Bleeding Cool | bleedingcool.com | WordPress – self-hosted |
68 | Infowars | infowars.com | WordPress – self-hosted |
69 | Brain Pickings | brainpickings.org | WordPress – self-hosted |
70 | EurekAlert! | eurekalert.org | N/a |
71 | Funny or Die | funnyordie.com | N/a |
72 | The Onion | theonion.com | Custom |
73 | The Opinionator | opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com | WordPress – self-hosted |
74 | Watts up with that | wattsupwiththat.com | WordPress – hosted |
75 | The Unofficial Apple Weblog | tuaw.com | WordPress – self-hosted |
76 | Taegan Goodard’s Political Wire | politicalwire.com | Movable Type |
77 | Playstation Blog | blog.us.playstation.com | WordPress – self-hosted |
78 | Bleacher Report | bleacherreport.com | Custom |
79 | Epicenter | wired.com/epicenter | WordPress – self-hosted |
80 | White House Blog | whitehouse.gov/blog | Drupal |
81 | Cinema Blend Feeds | cinemablend.com | Custom |
82 | Danger Room | wired.com/dangerroom | WordPress – self-hosted |
83 | Inc. Magazine | inc.com | N/a |
84 | Android and Me | androidandme.com | WordPress – self-hosted |
85 | Pocket Now | pocketnow.com | N/a |
86 | Colossal | thisiscolossal.com | WordPress – self-hosted |
87 | Joe. My. God | joemygod.com | Blogger |
88 | FP Passport | blog.foreignpolicy.com | Drupal |
89 | News Busters | newsbusters.org | Drupal |
90 | Paul Krugman | krugman.blogs.nytimes.com | WordPress – self-hosted |
91 | Crooks and Liars | crooksandliars.com | Drupal |
92 | Balloon Juice | balloon-juice.com | WordPress – self-hosted |
93 | PSFK | psfk.com | WordPress – self-hosted |
94 | Economix | economix.blogs.nytimes.com | WordPress – self-hosted |
95 | The Awl | theawl.com | WordPress – self-hosted |
96 | Right Wing Watch | rightwingwatch.org | Drupal |
97 | Towleroad News | towleroad.com | TypePad |
98 | Hollywood Life | hollywoodlife.com | WordPress – self-hosted |
99 | Kottke | kottke.org | Movable Type |
100 | Animal | animalnewyork.com | WordPress – self-hosted |
你可以到pingdom的博客查看完整的评测 – WordPress completely dominates top 100 blogs
body內容(我用了html寫 差不多)
Side widgets(wordpress顯示添加入rss link以及facebook插件 我還用了一個dropbox的flash widget)
底部和Foot看到有分享 相關鏈接 (我沒有因為不熟悉CSS)
平台也是wordpress 如何添加寫入CSS代碼
head body 和foot 以及side這幾個部分
已經設置標準的 head/memus/side widget/一些簡單內容html寫
(沒有任何CSS 所顯示最多都是widgets)
你好,主题的CSS代码一般写在style.css中,可以安装firebug(Firefox扩展)帮助修改CSS,也可以安装WordPress插件DIV Layer Editor,这个操作起来更简单。 我用的是notepad一年前的版本,大部分东西都自己改过了,widget可以通过安装插件扩展更多功能。footer部分我自己添加了一部分,有footer widget和footer menu,直接写的代码。